Quality Copper Plating Services from Klein Plating Works

Klein Plating Works (KPW) offers industrial copper plating services and copper metal finishing in accordance to Mil-C-14550. KPW has cyanide copper available for copper plating. We copper plate metals using various electroplating methods including barrel plating, rack plating, and reel-to-reel plating.

Copper is a reddish metal that has many valuable uses ranging from electrical engineering purposes to decorative metal finishes. Copper plated metals are used for an assortment of products ranging from pennies and bullets to electrical connectors and automotive parts. It is used heavily as an underplate due to its ability to adhere extremely well to a variety of different substrates and plate well with other subsequent metals.

The benefits of copper plated metals include:

  • Outstanding Electrical Conductivity
  • Good Diffusion Barrier
  • Excellent Heat Conductivity
  • Important Undercoat
  • Adheres Well to Many Substrates
  • Easily Polished
  • Very Malleable
  • Decorative Value

As an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, copper plating services are done for of engineering applications. Copper plated metals are very ductile and can be buffed to a shine giving the metal a decorative value. Our specialized electroplating team is dedicated to providing high-quality electroplated products and surface finishes. Contact Klein Plating Works to request a quote for

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Types of Copper Plating KPW Offers

Cyanide copper is essential for copper plating on steel, zinc, and aluminum because it adheres well to them and minimizes immersion deposits. Cyanide copper has excellent throwing power which leads to less thickness variations. This is extremely important when dealing with parts that have complicated shapes.

Copper Barrel Plating

Copper Plating Specifications

  • MIL-C-14550
  • AMS 2418
  • Custom Specifications

Copper Plating Methods

Copper Ingot

Properties of Copper

Latin Name: Cuprum
Chemical Symbol: Cu
Atomic Number: 29
Atomic Weight: 63.57
Elemental Category: Transition Metal
Melting Point: 1084.62 °C
1984.32 °F
Density: 8.96 g/cmᶟ
Valence: 1 - Curprous
2 - Cupric
Appearance: Reddish - Orange
Dull to Lusterous