Quality Nickel Plating Services from Klein Plating Works

Klein Plating Works (KPW) offers industrial nickel plating services in accordance to QQ-N-290. Our capabilities for nickel plating services include bright, semi-bright, matte, and low-stress nickel deposits. The specialized team of industrial platers at KPW are dedicated to providing top quality electroplated products and surface finishes.

Nickel plated metals are used in a variety of industries including the electronics, electroforming, and automotive markets. A drawback to bright nickel plated metals is that the brighter the deposit gets the less ductile it becomes. Nickel is also used as an under-plate for other metals such as gold and silver because it acts as a diffusion barrier that prevents any form of substrate migration to the top coating.

The benefits of nickel plated metals include:

  • Excellent Corrosion Protection
  • Wear Resistance
  • Lubricity
  • Tarnish Protection
  • Decorative Appearance
  • Good Diffusion Barrier
  • Surface Hardness
  • Magnetic Characteristics

Nickel plated metals used for engineering purposes are often smooth and dull grey in appearance. These nickel deposits are used for wear resistance, hardness, lubricity, and magnetic purposes. Both bright and matte nickel plating services offer an excellent degree of corrosion resistance.

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Bright Nickel Rack Plating

Types of Nickel Plating KPW Offers

Bright nickel plating offers a bright lustrous finish used for decorative and corrosion protection purposes.

Semi-bright nickel plating is somewhat of a bright deposit with excellent ductility.

Nickel chloride is a dull nickel used in the pre-treatment of stainless steels.

Nickel Chloride Barrel Plating.

Nickel Plating Specifications

  • MIL-P-27418
  • MIL-STD-868
  • AMS 2403
  • AMS 2424
  • QQ-N-290
  • AMS-QQ-N-290
  • Custom Specifications

Nickel Plating Methods

Nickel Ingot

Properties of Nickel

Germanic Name: "Old Nick" - the devil
Chemical Symbol: Ni
Atomic Number: 28
Atomic Weight: 58.69
Elemental Category: Transition Metal
Melting Point: 1455 °C
2651 °F
Density: 8.908 g/cmᶟ
Valence: 2
Appearance: Silver - White
Dull to Lusterous